Friday, February 03, 2006

The singing man

Sometimes one finds himself sad and depressed, for absolutely no explainable reasons.
I scooted to my office this morning and I heard a drunk homeless singing "I did it my way".
I think on the meaning of life.
He has nothing, going nowhere, lonely. However he is the singing man. In that brief period of his, I am sure, complex, tough, difficult life, he found a reason to sing.
We dont sing so much these days. He sung.
He sung about his life. He was happily singing because he did it his way, and that was enough. Life is always surprising us. Watching, hearing and feeling it ads interpretation value to our global compreension of what we are doing here.
The thing is, we run too much. We are not living, just going ahead.
Take a day, every day, for what it is. Skip the future and trade it for today. And if you can, sing "I did it my way". Even if you didnt.
A man.


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