Sunday, April 23, 2006


Another word on vice and liberalism.
A brand new casino opened in the centre of Lisbon.
Sponsored by the ~City Hall and Government, with the taxes, it will pay a lot of work and investment in the city. 85 million euro gross tax receipt in the first year.
That is good.
Public authority is assuming, we think, people are responsible for themelves, gambling is no addiction, it has everything to do with free will. Thats why our gambling laws are becoming more liberal everyday, unlike with smoking (particularly in this one), drugs or alcohol consumptions.
What is then the difference between gambling and cigarettes?
Why do we need to read on cigarette packs that smoke kills and we saw absolutely no negative advertising, forced or natural, about the devastating consequences of gambling?
What is the logic behind all this?
Could be the tourists.
Since they will constitute a large, high powered group of gamblers we do not want to distract them with negative advertising.
Could be that there is less physical pain (and hospital costs) with gambling.
I think however the real reason is that gambling is still "not seen" as smoking, drugs or alcohol. And it is this logic of public valuing that destroys its logic. Because it is not, in the end, about being liberal, or not liberal, about letting the individual making its choices, it is about the "moral" erratic judgement of a minister or group of ministers who decide the way we live. And that is very unconfortable.
Carpe Diem

Saturday, April 15, 2006


I am reading the Gospel everyday.
Wonders of the Internet.
I am always surprised and amazed for everything I read and understand, because many times I do not understand.
I think Jesus was the Son of God.
That he come to save us.
I think Jesus was a liberal. He basically said three things:
believe me!
Do no harm.
Be happy.
This is pretty liberal isnt it?
I am blessed because I believe. This makes everything much more easy.
Carpe Diem

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Good people!

I lost my wallet.
Inside 500 Euro in cash, credit cards, Social Security, ID and so on.
Someone found it and tried hard to return to me.
When I met Carla Botelho Moniz I asked if I cpould invite her for a coffee or pay her a reward.
She looked at me and replied: "What?".
She was truly angry. I felt embarrassed for not believing. In truthfulness, correctness and good hearted people.
Sometimes, little lights shine on us and give us a little hope on mankind.
Carla was one of them, and as expected, she also looked like an angel. And she felt like one also.